A Book to Sing About!

Spirit of Broo (pronounced ‘brew’) is a unique publication.

It is the book adaptation of an environmental musical written for children’s theatre.

The story, songs and illustrations express joy, loss, hope, spiritual magic and are a celebration of our natural environment.

Spirit of Broo is a hard copy book with an 8 track CD.

It is also an interactive e-book.

Broo Book and Tablet


For physical book lovers, Spirit of Broo is a beautifully illustrated, 32 page hardcover where the song lyrics form part of the text.

Motivated by greed, Sydney Downe wants to bulldoze a a beautiful piece of bushland and turn it into a housing development.

Sensing disaster the bush dwellers fight to save their home.

Using all their powers and invoking the Dreaming Spirit, Broo leads her fellow creatures and Sydney Downe to a greater understanding. 

The hard copy book and CD is $25 AUD.


The interactive e-book works best in e-pub format.

There is also a PDF format.

Above the song lyrics is a gramaphone play icon. Click this and the song will play.

The ebook is $10 AUD.


The musical Spirit of Broo has eight songs.

The hard copy book has an 8 track CD.

You can play them here and download them for free.

The download e-pub and PDF version of the book have the songs embedded.

Click the play icon or the gramophone icon above the lyrics and the song will play.


Spirit of Broo James Palmer

James Palmer

James has always loved the concept of story and song. He began writing musicals while completing his tertiary studies using the vast array of musical skills learned throughout childhood.

Spirit of Broo is his second musical. After touring widely in Perth as a stage show, James is very happy with how something written for the stage can and does work as a book with songs.

James currently works in a medical industry and when not there he continues to write musicals. contemporary songs. He staged his fourth musical in Perth during November 2018.

James believes in the power of singing and more so singing harmonies in choirs.

He voluntarily takes a choir with Solaris Cancer Care who are called the Solaris Singers.

More choirs are being planned.


Owen Bell (Omega)

Perth born, Omega is a professional illustrator with over 40 years experience.

Some years ago, whilst living in the UK, he was responsible for revamping Thomas the Tank Engine’s image and for creating all the artwork for the worldwide merchandise, including over 30 books, for Random House (NY) and Heinemann (UK).

Omega has been working exclusively digitally for around 15 years, using Corel Painter (vX) in conjunction with a Wacom Touch tablet and pressure sensitive stylus.

The illustrations in ‘Spirit of Broo’ were created in this way.


Spirit of Broo Owen Bell



The eBook is in two (2) formats PDF and ePUB.

We recommend that you use Adobe Digital Editions for ePUB and Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF viewing. To download use the preceding links.

Chances are your computer may have these programs.


Click the ADD TO CART BUTTON on the PAYMENT PAGE for the version you wish to purchase.

The page that comes up asks for your email address, this is where the eBook will be mailed.

That’s it. Once payment is accepted the eBook will be mailed to you.

Any problems then please email me.


SPIRIT OF BROO – the hard copy book, within Australia.

Please make a direct deposit of $25 for the book plus $5 postage.

Account BSB 016370

Acc. No. 214524555

Account Name James Palmer

Reference your name in the payment.

Then email me at info@spiritofbroo.com giving me your referenced deposit and I will mail to you a (signed?) hardcopy book.

Buyers outside Australia please email me.


SPIRIT OF BROO – the eBook

Click the Buy Now button below and pay through Paypal.


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